Boys' Auditions
Saturday, September 7th
2518 W. Burbank Blvd.
Burbank, CA 91505
Boys Open Auditions (Ages 7+)
3:30 p.m. Registration & Measurements
4:00 p.m. Open Audition
Advanced Boys (ages 12+ with extensive dance training)
3:30 p.m. Registration & Measurements
4:00 p.m. Warm-Up & Barre Class
4:30 p.m. Observed Technique Class
Open auditions require no experience necessary for smaller roles. Be prepared to act and learn simple steps.
Boys are also welcome to attend the age-appropriate Open Audition on Sunday!
While there is no prerequisite training required, the following is recommended:
Ages 7-8 years: No prior experience necessary
Ages 9-12 years: Recommended 1-4 years dance training
Ages 13-18 years: Recommended 4+ years dance training
Primary roles, including Nutcracker, Clara's Brother Fritz, and all Pas de Deux work will require extensive dance experience.
There is an audition fee of $30 (pre-registration) if registered by Thursday, September 5th
Audition Fee increases to $40 beginning on Friday, September 6th.
How to Prepare for Your Audition
Boys should wear dance shorts/pants, white shirt, ballet slippers/jazz shoes with socks. Hair should be contained.